Saturday, August 6, 2016

Don't Die, My Love by Lurlene McDaniel

Bibliographic Information
Publisher: Laurel Leaf
Publication Year: 1995
ISBN: 978-0385743792

Reader’s Annotation
Luke and Julie grew up together and always knew they were meant for each other. But when Luke’s hopes for a college football scholarship are derailed with a cancer diagnosis, the young couple must depend on their love to get them through the dark time.

Plot Summary
Luke Muldenhower and Julie Ellis have known each other their whole lives. High school sweethearts a year apart in age, their time is consumed with Luke’s prospective football scholarships and what that means for Julie’s college plans the following year. Then Luke unexpectedly begins having symptoms like night sweats and swollen glands. At Julie’s urging, he visits the doctor and is diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. Several rounds of chemotherapy and radiation later, it looks like Luke is in remission until his symptoms return. Julie’s optimism helps the couple believe that love conquers all, but it is ultimately up to a risky surgery to save Luke’s life.

Critical Evaluation
Don’t Die, My Love is written in a way that is accessible for readers at a seventh grade reading level and above. The story is easy to follow with no major subplots distracting from the main arc of Julie and Luke’s romance and Luke’s cancer diagnosis. One unfortunate effect of the book is the unrealistic expectation it sets up for young people about teenage romance. A teenage reader can easily come away from the book feeling inadequate for never having a romance as deep and loving as the one in the book, even though this happens to a minority of high school students. However, the book demonstrates adequate ways to deal with the sickness and death of a loved one that a young person would find useful if they found themselves in that situation.

Author Information
ABOUT ME: Who I Am: Lurlene Nora (Gallagher) McDaniel

My Birthday: April 5, 1944… It only comes once a year, so I turn it into a festival and celebrate it for the entire month!

I was born in Philadelphia PA, grew up (mostly) in Hialeah FL, graduated from the University of South Florida, Tampa FL (go Bulls!) and currently live in Chattanooga TN—I’m an American citizen by birth, and Southern by the grace of God.

I have a brother, three years younger, married, and mathematically gifted. I am totally without math skills.

The books I write, the topics and subject matter, grew out of my firstborn son’s diagnosis of diabetes at age 3. Infinite reward that comes to me from my work…. when a grown reader lets me know that reading my books inspired her to seek a profession that helps others. I have wonderful letters saying, “Today I graduated from nursing/medical school.” Now that’s a gift of joy!

WORDS THAT ALWAYS INSPIRE ME: “Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin and yet I say unto you, that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.” (Matt 6: 28-29, KJV)

MY LIFE PHILOSOPHY: No one gets to choose what life gives them. You do get to choose how you deal with it.

MY LEGACY: I hope to be remembered not only for the words I’ve written, but for what I leave behind, my finest work and the best of me—my two grown married sons and grandkids.


Curriculum Ties

Booktalking Ideas
Introduce the characters of Luke and Julie, explain their relationship, and give a brief overview of the first half of the book including his cancer diagnosis. Read a passage illustrating both the intensity of Luke’s illness and the purity of their love, as these are the two main things around which the story revolves. Then give a rating from 1-5 and tell the audience why this is my rating, and take questions.

Reading Level/Interest Age
Amazon: Age 12 and up, Grade 7 and up
Booklist: Grade 7-12
School Library Journal: Grade 7-10

Challenging Issues
Death of a Loved One

Preparing for Potential Challenges

Why the Item Was Chosen
This book, along with many others written by Lurlene McDaniel, has been on my list of favorites since childhood. While I have thankfully never been in the position of going through cancer diagnosis and treatment with a loved one, the story has always touched me. The romantic seventh grader in me always wanted a love like Julie and Luke’s, so strong that a terminal cancer diagnosis strengthens instead of weakening our bond.

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